Research & Initiatives
As an independent research institution (IRI) we are able to focus on tighter topic areas than a traditional academic institution which must be broad to cover a vast teaching mission.
Although Phronetik is an independent research institution (IRI), we have close relationships with several universities that are also independent and operate under their own authority. Our scientists, researchers, data scientists, and other staff fill the roles often seen in academia.
Phronetik directly addresses the lack of women and minorities in STEM by offering opportunities, including internships, to underrepresented minorities seeking to begin, expand, or explore a career in research, healthcare, data science, and a number of other STEM disciplines. A 2020 article in Science News reported that "U.S. Black residents studying and working in STEM fields are underrepresented at every level, from undergraduate degree programs to the workforce." We at Phronetik do more than generate reports or announce promises to promote and raise awareness of the lack of representation and DEI in STEM, we are providing real and tangible opportunities.